Career descriptions are provided below. For information on current openings, please see We accept resumes to keep on file when we don’t have openings, click here to send us your resume. Program Director: Responsible for administrative and clinical functions of the Clinton Counseling Center Jail Program. Senior Therapist: Responsible for supervision, quality assurance and maintains a case load. Provides administrative functions in the absence of the Program Director. Must have CAADC/CADC and hold appropriate licensure. Substance Abuse Therapist: Provides outpatient clinical services within the jail. This includes biopsychosocial assessments, group therapy, and didactic presentations. Must have CAADC/CADC or development plan and hold appropriate licensure. Substance Abuse Clinician/Cognitive Program Facilitator: Works through the Community Corrections department to provide screenings, assessments, treatment placement, and case management services. Facilitates CRP (Cognitive Reflective Program) groups within the jail. Must pass MAFE exam and have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Program Secretary: Responsible for all clerical and office management duties.
Volunteer Information & Updates
Downloads Available:
AA and NA meetings are offered weekly throughout most of the tower housing units. We rely entirely on volunteers who are strong in their own recovery and are willing to give back what AA or NA has given them. AA/NA volunteer criteria includes:
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Must have at least 2 years of recovery
- Must be free of legal problems and “off paper” for probation/parole for at least 2 years
- Must be free of felony convictions for at least 5 years
- Must be free of assaultive crimes for at least 10 years
- Must be available once a month for at least 6 months to volunteer
- Must have reliable transportation to get to and from the jail
- Must be willing to treat volunteering with the same level of responsibility as a paid job
- Must be able to set healthy limits with others
The process of volunteering includes:
- Fill out and send in your volunteer application. Information on how to return the application is included on the application. Click here to download the application
- Attend a Volunteer Orientation. Orientations are held 2-4 times a year and are REQUIRED for all new volunteers. We send out invitations to attend the Volunteer Orientations to people who have completed their volunteer application. We also accept “walk-ins” to the Volunteer Orientations. New orientation dates will be added to our Event Calendar as they are scheduled, and you can check our calendar by clicking here
- Following the orientation, security clearances are processed by Jail Administration
- All orientation attendees are contacted to notify them of their status as “accepted” or “not accepted”
- If accepted, new volunteers are provided with the contact information of their floor coordinator and must contact the coordinator to set up their schedule
- All new volunteers will be paired with more experienced volunteers initially, until they are comfortable coming in alone
- Every 2 years, all volunteers must attend a Security Clearance Update event
Quick Info & Reminders
- If your AA/NA literature box is running low, please contact us to let us know.
- Concerns about an inmates safety/wellbeing need to be reported immediately to the floor officer
- Other problems that you experience can be discussed with Shift Command prior to leaving the jail
- Keep us in the loop of any of these situations by clicking here or by calling (586) 307-9570